
Thursday, December 18, 2008

Gingerbread Men Gone Wrong

The girls and I made gingerbread men for the first time ever. It was one of those store bought mixes where all you have to do is add the egg and butter and a little water. You'd think I couldn't screw that up, but alas, I did. The directions clearly said to use softened butter but I melted mine completely! So, the dough was extremely runny when using the cookie cutters. We couldn't properly cut out the cookie shapes. They were all really mis-shapen and messy. They looked like obese gingerbread men after they were baked. We had a fun time making them anyway and they tasted fine. When I posed for the picture above, for some reason I stuck my hand up in the air when I bit into the cookie. So, when I took the girls' picture biting into their cookies they both immediately stuck their hands up in the air like I had. I thought that was pretty funny!


Anonymous said...

Too cute! Eliot LOVES to help me bake and we often have recipes gone wrong in the Jones' kitchen too. I figure-it's the time spent and memory made that counts the most. We missed you both dearly at Christmas Supper Club this month...you are all in our thoughts often. Wish you could send some of that gorgeous winter wonderland snow from Denver to us! Much love and happy holiday wishes!

Anonymous said...

Brooke, I think they look great! It is the memory that is the most important. We are almost done unpacking, and then I want us to get together. Are yall back in CO?